Maximize value
Decrease risks
Take control

Are unknowns in your precious metal recovery weighing you down?
When you send material out for precious metal recovery, ask yourself:
Am I getting the total value from my precious metal reclaim?
Was my material processed responsibly?
Will this come back to haunt me?
Letting these questions go unanswered will weigh on you and potentially put your business at risk.

We get it because we've heard it thousands of times.
It's not easy having those lingering questions. Sending your material to a precious metal refinery is like sending a child to summer camp. Will everything be okay? Will I get a call with bad news?
We understand because we’re in the same boat.
After paying our customers, we send materials out for final smelting—which means we’re subject to the same risks as you. But because we do our due diligence with each of our smelting partners, we sleep well at night!
We are on a mission to rid you of sleepless nights too.

You deserve a partner who provides peace of mind.
Our commitment to our customers, our industry, and the world we live in ensures we fully recover your precious metals while dramatically reducing environmental impact.
We do it with transparency and honesty.
Why do we do it?
Because you deserve the peace of mind and the freedom to focus on growing your business.
Please don't leave your precious metal reclaim to chance.
Leave it to us.
Let's minimize your risk and maximize your returns.
How It Works

1. Send in Your Trial Lot
Once you have the Assay results from us, compare them to what you have been getting. Regardless of the outcome, it’s always great to take a minute for evaluation.

2. You Compare Results
Once you have the Assay results from us, compare them to what you have been getting. Regardless of the outcome, it’s always great to take a minute for evaluation.