News Blog Posts Tagged as Precious Metals Refiner

Is Your Waste Recycler Endangering Your Business?

Published 08/05/2020

Does sending your industrial waste or e-scrap to a precious metals reclaimer ever feel like whistling past the graveyard? It can, if you’re not paying attention to the way that a refiner handles hazardous waste.

Many businesses have found themselves subject to massive fines for environmental damage decades after they sent materials to a refiner for reclamation. While you may be sending out electronic components that don’t present hazardous waste risks, once a recycler processes them, they can become a liability for all parties involved.

For better or worse, just because you’re hiring a third party to dispose of your materials doesn’t  mean your hands are clean of any negligence on their part. We’ll explain why below.

The Long Arm of Liability

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, passed in 1976, gives EPA the authority to control hazard waste from cradle to grave. Meanwhile, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, otherwise known as the Superfund law, gives EPA the power to find the parties responsible for the release of hazardous waste and assure their cooperation in the cleanup. The cornerstone principle is that polluters pay the entire cost of cleanup, to prevent the burden from falling on taxpayers.

So, any parties responsible for the use, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste are liable for the costs of cleanup. That means you could end up footing a massive bill for environmental damage, even decades beyond your dealings with a refiner.

Just ask any of the hundreds of businesses listed in this court filing from the Southern District of Illinois, thanks to doing business with a now defunct company called Chemetco.

Meet One of EPA’s Most Wanted

Trouble for Chemetco began in 1980, when the Illinois EPA started documenting dozens of environmental violations at the plant. In 1992, the U.S. EPA named Chemetco the country’s leading emitter of airborne lead. And in 1996, EPA discovered a hidden pipe discharging waste into a nearby tributary of the Mississippi River.

Chemetco’s owner at the time, Denis Feron, had ordered the 10” pipe installed in 1986 to connect one of the plant’s wastewater basins to Long Lake, a stagnant tributary of the Mississippi River. Contaminated rainwater and water used in the smelting process were dumped into Long Lake, depositing a 5’ thick toxic layer of zinc, lead, cadmium and copper.
One EPA representative estimated that Chemetco’s smelting operation created at least 900,000 tons of man-made slag.

This violation of the federal Clean Water Act resulted in a fine of $3.8 million, probation for five workers, and a manhunt for Feron, who had fled the country. Chemetco went bankrupt in 2001. Feron was placed on EPA’s 10 Most Wanted List in 2008, but charges were dropped in 2010 when he settled the charges with a $500,000 fine.


The Curse of Chemetco

Cleanup of the 41-acre contaminated property began in 2008, and the site was placed on the Superfund National Priorities List in 2010. In 2011, EPA began identifying parties that were legally responsible for the cleanup costs — including companies that brought materials to Chemetco for processing.

Several of the companies entered into an agreement with EPA in 2015, agreeing to pay for a remedial investigation and feasibility study while EPA continued to identify additional responsible parties. As an EPA attorney stated, “Litigation is driving this cleanup.

Eventually, the EPA will issue a record of decision defining future remedial actions at the site. One estimate suggests that cleanup could continue beyond 2021, requiring millions more dollars to restore the land for redevelopment.

Protect Your Business

In the end, it’s your responsibility to know your industrial waste recycler and hold them accountable for proper disposal. While the Chemetco story is an extreme example, we’re not sharing it for the shock value. We want you to be aware of the risks and diligent about protecting your company.

To learn more about performing due diligence when recycling e-scrap or industrial waste, read our article on how to find a responsible precious metals refiner.

Don’t let the curse of Chemetco happen to you.


Our Commitment to Sustainability

Learn more about how Gannon & Scott handles e-scrap and other hazardous waste by downloading the whitepaper or the data sheet for our proprietary TRu3Tec™ pollution control system. Click here to see our commitment to sustainability.

6 Shipping Mistakes That Reduce Your Refining Returns

Published 07/06/2020

Reclaiming precious metals through refining is a great way to put money back in your business… and sloppy shipping is a great way to reduce your returns. To help ensure your refining lots arrive in one safe and valuable piece, we’ve compiled a list of the top six mistakes that can sabotage your shipments and hurt your revenue.

1. Overloading your containers

We’ve seen some badly overstuffed boxes get to our dock and collapse as soon they’re unloaded. If that happens at our facility, our staff will sweep up as much of the debris as
possible to recover every ounce of your precious metal. But if it happens at another stage in transit, you could lose a fair amount of value.

Remember that freight gets handled many times as shipping trucks pass through terminals, loading and unloading cargo. If your box bursts somewhere in transit, there’s no guarantee the carrier will try to pick up every little bit of lost material.

2. Using wimpy packaging

Here’s a common theme: a customer fills a cardboard box with small parts, the box gets nicked by a forklift in transit, and parts are spilling out the bottom by the time the box arrives at our facility. This can be avoided by using metal drums or wooden crates—just don’t forget to inspect them for weak spots.

If you’re going with cardboard boxes, know that not all gaylord boxes are created equal. Forks can easily penetrate single- or double-walled boxes, so if you’re using cardboard,
make sure it’s triple-walled.


3. Stacking non-stackable pallets

Some people opt to stack pallets to save on shipping costs, since they’re using one pallet space instead of two. But if your shipment includes heavy materials and your pallets aren’t specifically designed to be stacked, you risk breaking the lower pallet and damaging your

If you’re trying to save space, do everything you can to keep your pallet compact. Try stacking an extra row of boxes on top of a pallet, or pack your boxes more densely to
eliminate empty spaces.

4. Shipping everything in your dumpster

As best you can, try to keep plain old garbage out of your refining lots—you should be shipping only recoverable materials. It’s better if a refiner can get to work without having
to first remove extraneous junk, especially if you’re getting charged by the pound for processing. Some refiners will charge higher fees and give you less metal accountability if
your lots are too diluted.

5. Playing the “mystery sender” game

This sounds like a no-brainer, but we’ve received shipments with no identifying
information. Make sure you put a name and phone number on the outside of every box. This
could be your company name or, if you’re concerned about security, the name of an individual. That way, if a box gets orphaned, someone can reach you.

If you’re shipping five boxes, each one needs a reference number and contact info.
Also, if you’re reusing gaylord boxes from another company, please remember to change the identifying info from their info to yours! Yeah, we’ve seen that mistake too.


6. Revealing the contents

Even if you’re shipping low-value material, you never want anybody to see what’s inside your shipment. If you’re sending a gaylord box full of scrap, cover the top with cardboard
and stretch-wrap the entire box to hide the contents. Consider using black stretch wrap for another layer of security.

Also, never write anything on the box that indicates high-value contents. We’ve seen people write “gold scrap” directly on their shipments, which is a great way to let thieves know what’s inside. Even worse, we’ve seen shipments come in open containers with clear plastic wrap, clearly showing the precious metal cargo. Might as well put a neon “Steal Me!” sign on there, too.

Don’t rely on a thief not understanding periodic table abbreviations. A quick Google search for “Au” and your lot could be gone before it leaves the shipping dock.



Shipping Hazardous Waste for Recycling

Published 07/01/2020

Shipping Hazardous Waste Compliance Checklist

For you and for us, things like used plating solutions, filters, and resins represent valuable materials to recover. To the U.S. EPA and DOT, they constitute hazardous waste, or at least regulated recyclable materials. And all hazardous waste generators, from jewelers to electronics manufacturers, bear full responsibility for its storage and transportation.
But when it comes to shipping hazardous waste, many businesses still get a few things wrong.

While EPA regulates onsite hazardous wastes under RCRA, DOT regulates hazardous waste transportation. DOT requires that hazardous waste be classified, described, packaged, marked, labeled, and in condition for shipment according to its guidelines. When you ship materials to a refiner, failing to meet DOT requirements can result in hefty fines, reducing any revenue you generate through precious metal recovery.

By familiarizing yourself with these regulations, you’ll be better equipped to stay within the legal boundaries for shipping hazardous waste. You can also make better choices
for your business, including the companies you partner with for shipping and refining—decisions that can ultimately affect your bottom line.

To help you navigate the regulations and meet DOT shipping requirements, we’ve created the five-step checklist below. Note that steps 3, 4, and 5 include a few of the most common
mistakes we see shippers make.

1. Determine Whether Your Material is Hazardous Waste

DOT defines hazardous waste in 49 CFR part 171.8 as “any material that is subject to the Hazardous Waste Manifest Requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency specified in 40 CFR part 262.” This means that DOT considers your materials to be hazardous waste only if they must be shipped on a manifest under the federal RCRA waste requirements.

To determine whether your material falls under those requirements, answer these questions:

  1. Is it a solid waste, according to the EPA definition?
  2. Is it excluded from regulation under 40 CFR part 261.4?
  3. Does it meet any of the descriptions under the list of hazardous wastes in subpart D of 40 CFR part 261?

Thanks to an exemption in subpart F of 40 CFR part 266, recyclable materials from which “economically significant” amounts of precious metals are recovered are exempt from
full hazardous waste regulation. For your materials to qualify, you must receive an economic return valuable enough to cover the costs of recycling. However, you still have to comply
with all of the shipping requirements listed below, in addition to EPA’s record-keeping requirements.

2. Obtain an EPA ID Number (if you don’t already have one)

The EPA hazardous waste generator identification number allows EPA to track hazardous waste from cradle to grave. Whether or not you need an EPA ID number depends on
how much hazardous waste you generate per month, which determines your hazardous waste generator category.

If you generate more than 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) per month, you are classified as a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) and you must obtain an EPA ID number.

If you’re a Small Quantity Generator (SQG), EPA does not require an ID number, but your state might, so it’s always best to also know the state-specific requirements.

You can find instructions and forms for obtaining an EPA ID number here.  


3. Fill Out the Hazardous Waste Manifest

The Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest is designed to meet both EPA and DOT documentation requirements for shipping hazardous waste. It contains information
about the hazardous materials being transported (classification, reportable quantity, etc.), emergency contact information, the generator’s EPA ID number, and more. If you’re not tired of reading regulatory documents yet, you can find manifest requirements and instructions in Subpart C of 49 CFR part 172.

Fortunately, EPA rolled out the Hazardous Waste E-Manifest System in 2018 to replace its previously paper-intensive process. You can learn more about how the system works at the
EPA website and create an e-manifest using the RCRAInfo site.

Keep in mind, DOT still requires that transporters carry paper copies of the manifest. If you use the e-manifest system, simply print out a copy from the RCRAInfo site. (DOT recognizes electronic signatures specifically for e-manifests.)

Common Mistakes

One of the most frequently cited paperwork violations is a failure to properly describe the hazardous material. Be sure to consult the Hazardous Materials Table for proper shipping
descriptions and classifications, along with guidance for packaging and handling requirements.

For us, the most common mistakes we see on manifests are pretty simple:

  • A shipper forgets to sign the manifest. Happens more than you think!
  • The manifest has the wrong package count, in which case you’ll get a call from us to resolve it.
  • The manifest shows an incorrect quantity of materials in a package, such as how much of a drum is full.

4. Choose the Right Packaging

General requirements for hazardous waste shipments and packaging are covered in 49 CFR 171.2(g) and 49 CFR part 173. DOT also offers a fairly easy to read summary here.

The Hazardous Materials Table in section 3 specifies the type of packaging required for each form of hazardous waste. For some materials, such as lithium cells and batteries, you may be required to use UN performance packaging.

If that’s the case, check out this guide to performance packaging from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). This two-page pdf shows you how to interpret codes and markings and includes a convenient list of volume conversion factors.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common shipping mistakes we’ve seen companies make is putting their material in improper packaging. That could mean using a poly drum when a steel drum
is required, or (this one makes us scratch our heads) putting liquids in a cardboard box instead of a drum.



5. Mark & Label Your Packages

This step provides crucial information for transporters, including orientation arrows, the nature of the waste (corrosive, flammable liquid or solid, etc.), shipper’s contact info and ID
number, hazardous material class, and more. DOT requirements for markings are listed in Subpart D of 49 CFR part 172, while labeling requirements are in Subpart E. PHMSA
also provides a handy markings, labeling, and placarding guide with general guidelines and visual examples.

While it’s important to follow the letter of the law when it comes to labeling, use some common sense, too. For instance, labels should be placed in a clear and visible
location on packages—that way, if an emergency response crew needs to get the information contained on a label, it’s quick and easy to find. Likewise, any
markings should be durable, in English, and not obscured by other markings
or labels.

Common Mistakes

There’s just one labeling mistake we see the most often: someone puts the wrong label on the wrong drum. It might seem like a minor slip-up, but the purpose of these labels is to communicate crucial information to everyone who handles your hazardous waste.

One Last Common Mistake

Here’s a word of advice that comes from years of fielding panicked calls from customers: Pay attention to the storage deadline for hazardous waste. EPA puts a limit on how much
hazardous waste you can accumulate onsite before it must be transported to a certified disposal facility. And, as you already know, shipping is hard to arrange at the last minute.

SQGs are allowed to store hazardous waste onsite for 180 days, according to 40 CFR section 262.16, while LQGs are limited to 90 days, per 40 CFR section 262.17. However,
if it’s day 89 and you suddenly realize you need to get the hazardous waste off-site tomorrow, you may not be able to find a shipping company with a suitable truck in the
area. So, we recommend you plan ahead and prearrange shipping, based on your expected hazardous waste accumulation.

Get Higher Returns from Your Sweeps

Published 05/19/2020


You know precious metal fines lurk in every corner of your shop. You scour your work surfaces, clean out your sink traps and even tear up the carpeting every few years, sending it all to a refiner and hoping for a worthwhile return.

But are you doing everything you can to recover that valuable “bonus” metal? Here are five steps to ensure you’re getting value from every square inch of your manufacturing facility.


1. Don’t leave money on the bench.

Maximizing your refining returns starts with maximizing your collection of precious metal debris—in bench sweeps, floor sweeps, polishing dusts, ultrasonic sludge, and other areas.

Here are some tips for capturing as much precious metal as possible:

• Designate vacuum cleaners specifically for collecting bench
and buffer sweeps, so the concentration of precious metals
is not diluted with other debris. Make sure the vacuums use
HEPA filters, which can easily be sent to a refiner.

• Install commercial sink trap systems designed to recover
fine particulates from wastewater.

• Cover wooden floors, which have cracks that easily trap and
hold precious metal fines. Carpets or linoleum flooring work
well, since they can be sent to a refiner for metal recovery.
Consider using carpet remnants in areas that produce large
quantities of dust, like in front of the buffer—you can send out
remnants easily and more often than carpeting.

• Replace wooden bench tops with nonporous material. And
when it’s time to replace the bench, send the old one to the
refiner. Or, if you prefer to keep the wooden top, periodically
sand down the top layer and collect the resulting wood dust.

• Filter solutions from ultrasonics, steamers and plating units.

In Jewelry Metals: A Guide to Working with Common
Alloys, Jim Binnion suggests using a coffee filter to strain used
solution into a container, then using paper towels to wipe the
remaining sludge out of the solution tank. Be sure to include
the coffee filter and paper towels with your sweeps.

• Place floor mats at the exits of work areas that generate
a lot of dust, to collect precious particles from the soles of
shoes. The mats can then be sent out for refining.

• Remember that masks, gloves, aprons, and shop towels can
all collect precious metal fines. Rinse or wash them regularly
in dedicated sinks with filtration systems, and be sure to include them in your refining lot when it’s time to replace them.

2. Invest in professional equipment.

Consider investing in specialized dust collectors and precious
metal recovery systems to maximize your capture of superfine
filings and sweeps. This equipment also helps keep your work
areas clean.

These systems range from compact bench dust collectors to
semi-enclosed work chambers, table-top polishing cabinets,
and high-capacity dust collectors with powerful suction and
ultrafine filters. Recovery systems that are adaptable to various
vacuum units can be more cost-efficient for smaller jewelry
manufacturers. Remember that all vacuum filters, along with
buffing wheels, can be sent to a refiner.

Sometimes, sourcing outside help to collect debris can be
cost-effective. For instance, if you’re not ready to incur the cost
of carpet replacement, you can hire a carpet cleaning service
to do a deep clean and give you the residue

3. Home in on your best sources.

Evaluating your internal systems can help you identify areas
where precious metal collection could be improved. One way
to do this is by segregating material collection into separate
streams and monitoring the results that come back from the
refiner. Are you capturing more or less metal in, say, your
polishing stations or dust collectors? Once you’ve identified
underperforming areas, consider investing in equipment or
processes to improve collection.

Don’t forget the human piece of this equation. It’s crucial to train
your employees in proper collection practices, to ensure they
don’t do things like mopping the floors and dumping wastewater down unfiltered drains. Everyone on the manufacturing floor should understand their impact on, and responsibility for, recovering precious metal debris.

4. Segregate precious metals.

Segregating metals makes your refiner’s job easier and produces a better return. Mixed metals and materials require extra steps in refining, which can result in higher processing costs for the refiner and a smaller payment percentage for you.

• Keep sweeps containing gold and silver separate from
sweeps with platinum group metals (platinum, palladium
and rhodium).

• Segregate higher-grade bench sweeps from lower-grade
floor sweeps—as the precious metal percentage goes
down, so does your return. For instance, you could have
98% gold content in high-grade sweeps, diluted down to
90% by mixing with a low-grade lot. Because it’s more
difficult to separate out the precious metals, the value of
your lot is reduced.

• Remove ferrous metals such as iron and steel from your lots
using high-power rare earth magnets.

• While larger manufacturers may designate separate parts
of their facilities for different types of metal, this isn’t an
option for some smaller shops. In that case, it’s a good idea
to do a deep cleaning as you switch from one metal to the
next, to avoid contamination. Store the debris separately,
adding to the designated lots each time you clean.

Segregating lots by metal types is not always cost-efficient for
small manufacturers, since the fees for processing individual
lots may be greater than the returns. For larger-volume sweeps,
however, it makes good sense to segregate.

5. Don’t get lost in transportation.

While this might sound obvious, we’ve seen sweeps containers
arrive in less than ideal condition, putting the contents—and
the customer’s return—at risk. Make sure containers are tightly
sealed, and consider covering cardboard boxes with plastic
wrap. (We’ve received gaylord boxes that were punctured in
transit and leaking precious materials.) Some manufacturers
ship refining lots in metal drums with serialized tags and
security devices, to ensure the containers stay closed and the
contents are accounted for.

While it’s a good idea to post weights on the outside of each
box or container, avoid writing things like “gold sweeps” or
“high-value lots” (yes, we’ve seen that, too.) For security purposes, it’s better not to tell people what’s inside your containers.

Remember that sweeps containing hazardous materials are
subject to transport regulations. Be sure to work with reputable
transport companies that can help you identify hazardous
materials and abide by the regulations, to protect not just your
sweeps, but also your business.




Recover more. Worry less.

Recovering your precious metals since 1919.


Marking One Century of Precious Metals Refining Success

Published 01/15/2019

This year Gannon & Scott celebrates 100 years of success in the precious metals refining business. Beginning in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1919, the company built its success on relationships, reclaiming gold and silver for jewelry manufacturers and silversmiths. Today Gannon & Scott offers a wide range of metals refining and assaying services from East and West Coast processing facilities, and in addition to jewelry, serves customers in electronics and industrial manufacturing, plating and surface finishing, defense, aerospace, medical and e-waste recycling.

Welcome Matt Schulde

Published 06/07/2018

Gannon & Scott is pleased to announce the addition of a new Regional Sales Executive, Matt Schulde.

Matt comes with more than 15 years of proven business development experience and will be covering the Northeast and Southeast regions.

Join us in welcoming Matt to the Gannon & Scott team.




CRANSTON, RI – June, 2019 – Matthew G. Schulde of Exeter, Rhode Island, recently joined Gannon & Scott as a Regional Sales Executive at the Cranston-based refiner and assayer of precious metals, covering the Northeast and Southeast regions.

Schulde comes to Gannon & Scott with more than 15 years of proven business development experience. He joined Gannon & Scott from AMN Media/Cannella Media, LLC., where he was responsible for developing strategic partnerships and managing existing relationships. Schulde brings a strong understanding of key client relationship building and business development.

Schulde earned his MA in Communications from the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, RI and his BA from Keene State College in Keene, NH. He is an active Volunteer Firefighter with over 25 years of community service. Matt enjoys spending time with friends and family including his wife, Heather, and son, Maddox; attending youth hockey games, Scouting events and outdoor activities.

New Senior Vice President - Michelle Cullion

Published 05/24/2018


We at Gannon and Scott are pleased to announce that Michelle Cullion has joined our Cranston, Rhode Island team as Senior Vice President.

She will manage the daily operations of the administrative group, compliance requirements, and assist with financial reporting management.

Join us in welcoming Michelle to the Gannon & Scott team.



CRANSTON, RI – May, 2018 – David Deuel, CFO, is pleased to announce that Michelle I. Cullion recently joined Gannon & Scott as Senior Vice President - Administration. She will manage the daily operations of the administrative group, provide metrics and reporting support, and coordinate and manage Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer compliance. She will also assist with financial reporting requirements and managing relationships with banks, vendors and customers.

Cullion holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Bryant University.  She also earned her Master of Science in Taxation from Bryant University and has been a Certified Public Accountant since 2009.  Michelle is a graduate of the 2010 AICPA leadership Academy and a former board member of the RI Society of CPAs. Michelle’s extensive public accounting experience focused on financial statement reporting and taxation issues for both privately held companies and individuals. She was previously with the accounting firm DiSanto, Priest & Co. for more than 10 years.

Michelle and her family live in Richmond, RI.


WJA Tour

Published 04/05/2018

Gannon & Scott would like to shout out an extra special thanks to the Providence Women's Jewelry Association for coming in and touring our refining plant. We very much appreciated Chapter President Kerilyn Rodi and Past President Kim Michalik for arranging the event.

Thank you all for taking the time and being so interested in our company.

Providence Women's Jewelry Association

John King's Retirement

Published 11/09/2017

GANNON & SCOTT ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT OF Chief Financial Officer -Press Release

Gannon & Scott is both pleased and sad to announce the recent retirement of John H. King, Executive Vice President and CFO.

John joined Gannon & Scott in 2000, and was instrumental in the success of the company’s expansion to Phoenix, AZ. John also drove the acquisition of a second facility in Cranston, RI, which features the one of the most sophisticated environmental control systems in the refining industry; the facility also has almost an acre of solar panels generating green energy for the local power grid.

John began his 45-year career in the precious metals industry in the early 1970s at the Citibank precious metals depository in New York City, after serving in the U.S. Army from 1968-1970. At the time, it was the largest commercial depository in the country. In 1979, under John’s guidance, Citibank introduced a successful retail Precious Metals Certificate program, which was prominently featured in Citibank’s 1979 Annual Report. 

In 1984 John relocated to Rhode Island to manage the operations of Fleet Bank’s precious metals unit. At Fleet, John managed the project to automate the unit’s manual accounting system. Under his guidance, the operation became a separate legal entity and supported a lending unit that grew to over $1.5 Billion in commitments.

In addition to his extensive experience working in precious metals and his service to his country, John was a tireless volunteer, both within and outside the industry. 

In addition to various other leadership roles, John served as President of the local chapter of the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI) for more than 10 years, and has been an active member of the national IPMI organization. 

Under John’s leadership, the New England Chapter of the IPMI developed an annual event to support local jewelry design efforts with an annual Jewelry Design Competition that provides scholarships and support to New England university students and programs involved in jewelry design.

In addition to his professional charitable endeavors, John was also a founding member of the original Board of Directors of the Providence Ronald McDonald House (PRMH). John served on the board for over 10 years, including the critical first several years when the PRMH was built as a result of a successful capital campaign.

John and his wife, Linda, devote numerous hours to the success of the PRMH, and its continued growth and success remain a fitting testimony to John’s dedication and efforts. John also served as Treasurer of the RI Youth Soccer Association.


  At Gannon & Scott, John has shared his talents and drive to help guide the company from a traditional secondary precious metals refiner to the powerhouse it is now - one that serves a multitude of industries, from traditional jewelry manufacturers to electronic scrap recyclers to global manufacturers of medical and electronic devices.

As a key member of the executive management team, John’s impact on Gannon & Scott will continue long after his retirement.

“He will be missed by many in the industry, but by none as much as his colleagues at Gannon & Scott,” noted Margaret Gannon-Jones, Chairman of Gannon & Scott.


“The entire company is both pleased for John and his accomplishments, but saddened that we will no longer see him every day,” said Joe Peixoto, CEO. “We are all grateful to have been able share the last few years of John’s illustrious career in the precious metals industry.”


As part of Gannon & Scott’s on-going succession planning, David Deuel will succeed John as Chief Financial Officer.


John and his wife Linda reside in North Kingstown, RI. They plan on traveling and spending time with their two grandsons.


Executive Management Changes 2017

Published 10/12/2017


As part of its on-going succession planning, Gannon & Scott announces the following executive management changes, effective October 1, 2017:

Margaret Gannon Jones has been named Chairman, succeeding Jack Gannon

Christopher W. Jones succeeds Margaret Gannon Jones as President

David G. Deuel becomes Chief Financial Officer, succeeding John King (Retired)


 Margaret Gannon Jones became President of Gannon & Scott in 2013, succeeding her father John L. (Jack) Gannon.

She started her career in 1988 in the Analytical Laboratory and held a number of management roles in the company prior to becoming president.

Margaret is also a principal owner of the Gannon & Scott family of companies.



 Chris Jones started with Gannon & Scott in 1990, in Cranston, RI.

During his tenure in RI, he became Plant Manager and was responsible for several key innovations in the core refining processes.

In 2001, Chris relocated to Phoenix, AZ to manage and grow the newly acquired Phoenix facility.Under his leadership, the Phoenix plant has dramatically increased its processing capabilities and annual volume of material processed. This facility provides Gannon & Scott with true coast-to-coast coverage and an unmatched, environmentally-friendly refining capacity.



David Deuel joined Gannon & Scott in 2013 as a Senior Vice President in charge of the company’s day-to-day Administration and IT departments.

Deuel previously worked at Fleet Bank and Bank of America, spending the majority of his time in the precious metals department, which provided financing and hedging products to industrial users of precious metals.

He succeeds John King, who retired at the end of September.

Imaps Conference 2017

Published 09/19/2017

(October 10 – 11, 2017 , Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Convention Center)

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth# 438. Please stop by and let our sales team show you how we "Do It Right".


Click here for the IMAPS website.

E-Scrap Conference 2017

Published 09/11/2017

(September 18-20, 2017 , Orlando, Florida - Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate)

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth# 619. Please stop by and let our sales team show you how we "Do It Right".


Click here for the E-scrap website.

Gannon & Scott White Paper

Published 04/11/2017

White Paper Details Advanced Pollution Control for Precious Metals Recovery

Continuous improvement and industry leading innovation ensure all materials received are processed using the latest technology and most environmentally friendly equipment has always been a firm commitment at Gannon & Scott.

Click here to download the white paper; "Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Precious Metal Recovery"

We are proud to share this White Paper with you, and would like to encourage you to share this with anyone who may have an interest in learning more about the specific details and the advantages of our TRu3Tec™ System.

2017 SUR/FIN Conference

Published 03/02/2017

Come Visit us at the 2017 SUR/FIN Trade Show & Conference!

June 19-21 2017, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Atlanta, Georgia

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth 524. 


Please stop by and let us show you how we "Do It Right". 


Click Here To Read More


2017 ISO9001 Certification Renewal

Published 02/02/2017

Gannon & Scott Inc.’s analytical laboratory has completed renewal of the ISO9001 Quality Management System certification process.

This was particularly important since it includes compliance to the new certification standard version (ISO9001:2015) that will become mandatory by 2018.  Gannon & Scott completed the external audit without any noted system non-conformances.

This month also marks a decade since the laboratory received initial certification, as it pursues the outgoing effort for continual quality improvement.

The laboratory conducts traditional fire assay, instrument, and other analyses to determine precious metal  content from a wide variety of materials including industrial scrap, metal finishing residuals, and electronic waste.

Gannon & Scott has long been deeply involved in the International Precious Metals Institute and its Sampling and Analytical Council.

2017 SVC TechCon

Published 02/01/2017

Come Visit us at the 2017 SVC Technical Conference!

April 29 - May 4 2017, at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Providence, Rhode Island

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth 824. 

Please stop by and let us show you how we "Do It Right". 

Attending this year's show for Gannon & Scott: Ray Conway, & Jen Rose

Click Here To Read More


2017 OFC Conference & Expo

Published 01/24/2017

Come Visit us at the 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference & Exposition!

March 21-23 2017, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Los Angeles, California

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth 2458.

Please stop by and let us show you how we "Do It Right". 

Attending this year's show for Gannon & Scott:  Adrian Hamm, & Adam Kenney

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New Plant Manager - Knut Nerheim

Published 01/09/2017


New Plant Manager - Knut Nerheim

Gannon & Scott is pleased to announce that Knut Nerheim has joined our team in Phoenix, Arizona.

Knut brings a wealth of managerial and process safety experience and will be responsible managing the physical plant operation of the Phoenix, Arizona Refining Plant.


Please join us in welcoming Knut to the Gannon & Scott team.


PHOENIX, AZ - January, 2017 - Knut Nerheim recently joined Gannon & Scott as Plant Manager of the Phoenix AZ Refining Plant. Knut holds a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Arizona State University, an MBA from University of Phoenix and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Arizona. Knut brings nearly 30 years of experience in engineering and plant operations environments, risk management, process safety, and project management. Knut joins us from Linde Group, a manufacturer of specialty and industrial gases. Knut is also a volunteer fire fighter for the Crown King Fire Department and presently serves as Captain of the departments water tender apparatus.


Cranston Ball Mill

Published 12/14/2016

We are pleased to announce that the Patterson (manufacturer brand name) ball mill is operational and the first customer lot was successfully completed.

The Patterson mill is located next to the Thermal Reduction furnace at the Sharpe Drive facility in Cranston. 

It is twice as big as the largest ball mill in either Cranston facility and incorporates a number of system improvements over previous units including a unique soundproofing blanket and ash cart transfer mechanism. 

This project was completely designed and fabricated by our staff on site.  

It was a large undertaking with the bottom of the third tier platform at 21 feet in height. 

All the steel structure, platforms, and stairways were created from steel stock (and some imagination), assembled for fitting, then taken apart and painted before installation.

Special thanks to our employees who worked on this project, for their input and hard work on this challenging task. 


Please contact your sales representative if you would like to schedule a visit to our facility and see the equipment in operation.


Jack Gannon Industry Leadership Award

Published 11/21/2016


The Precious Metals Association of North America created a new award this year named The Jack Gannon Industry Leadership Award.

The award was presented at The Army And Navy Club in Washington DC and was very fittingly awarded to Dominic Passaro of Technic Inc.


Everyone at Gannon & Scott very much appreciates the Association for honoring Jack’s memory with the naming of this award.


(pictured from left to right, Alan Stockmeister of Elemetal, Dominic Passaro of Technic, Christopher Jones of Gannon & Scott)

E-Scrap Conference 2016

Published 08/29/2016

(September 20-22, 2016 , New Orleans, Louisiana - Hyatt Regency New Orleans)

Gannon & Scott will be located at Booth 1312. Please stop by and let our sales team show you how we "Do It Right".

Attending this year's show for Gannon & Scott:

     Kristine Murphy, National Sales Manager

     Adrian Hamm, Regional Sales Manager, Southwest

     Erik Monsees, Regional Account Executive, Southeast

Click here for the show floor plan.

Gannon & Scott Phoenix Celebrates 15 Years

Published 06/03/2016

Gannon & Scott – Phoenix, AZ
Celebrates 15 Years and Going Strong


In 2001, Gannon & Scott acquired one of the largest refining plants in the southwest.

This action initiated a transformation from a once New England based, regional secondary precious metal refining and assaying company into the full-service, North American, precious metal reclamation and recycling industry leader we are today.


Our Phoenix operation has been quite privileged to have both a diverse and loyal customer base as well as a highly experienced and dedicated workforce. This tremendous combination directly contributes to our continued success and growth.

To proactively plan for this, we added substantial capacity to the foundry, thermal reduction and chemical process circuits.
Gannon & Scott has also invested strongly into upgrading and modernizing both our pollution control systems and energy efficiency at this facility. These investments and our proactive approach to growth and complete customer satisfaction have ensured this facility is uniquely positioned to provide our customers with an unparalleled mix of exceptionally complete metal recovery in efficient and sustainable systems.

15 years and going strong, Gannon & Scott Phoenix remains committed to “Doing it Right” by its customers, employees and the environment.